Titel Typ Genre IMDB
Battlefield Earth - Kampf um die Erde (Battlefield ... Deutsch Film Action, Abenteuer, Sci-Fi 2.5 / 10
Boone - Der KopfgeldjÀger (Boone: The Bounty Hunter) Deutsch Film Action, Drama 5.9 / 10
Death Kiss Deutsch Film Action 4.5 / 10
Perfect Weapon (The Perfect Weapon) Deutsch Film Action, Sci-Fi 3.2 / 10
Plane Dead - Der Flug in den Tod (Flight of the Living ... Deutsch Film Action, Horror, Sci-Fi 5.2 / 10
Rache - Bound to Vengeance (Bound to Vengeance) Deutsch Film Horror, Thriller 5.6 / 10